Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Is it dedication or a sickness?

Riley informed me Monday evening that she need to have a speech and poster for the Student Council election on Tuesday. Hmmm... doesn't it seem a bit strange that they would only tell her the day before it was due? I thought it was a little suspect myself.

So she decides she wants to base her poster and slogan on the Joker character in the movie The Dark Knight. She want's a picture of the Joker as well as a picture of her face morphed into the Joker's. So... after MUCH Photoshopping we finally achieved the effect she was looking for.

At this point she informs me that another girl has already done a Dark Knight poster... wait a minute, I thought she only found out that day about the posters... how did this other girl get hers done and posted on the wall already? Hmmm.. perhaps she's psychic.

Well I was a little worried that we would be copying someone else's idea, so I decided we should one-up the idea. I decided to print out Joker playing cards, except instead of saying "Joker" on the sides they'd say "Vote 4 Riley" and she could pass them out to the kids.

Of course by the time we get to this point it's about 11:30. Ahhh.. yet another project that will require mom staying up late to do various Photoshop items.

Well, as you may know, I tend to get a bit obsessive about details when it comes to things like this. If I'm going to do something like this I like to be accurate and not just slap something lame together. So OF COURSE I had to search the web to find the various exact Joker cards that were used in the movie. I finally got a selection of 6 different cards and proceeded to print and cut out 45 copies.

Riley of course was sleeping and comfy in her bed while I stared bleary eyed at the monitor half the night.. but it was done.. and they looked good. In the morning Riley get's up and decides that 2 of the versions are "creepy" and she doesn't want to take them. I of course was understanding and offered to make her some more of the un-creepy ones.. NOT! Hey, you wait until the last minute like that and you get whatever your mom is willing to do for you.

Happily it all turned out well in the end. Apparently the Joker cards were a big hit (even if some were creepy). Now we just have to wait for the vote tomorrow to see how she fares.

I hope some day she realizes just how much her mom put's into things like this, not to mention Halloween costumes...


Catherine said...

At this stage of the game, kids have absolutely no idea how much work moms put into things....nor do they care. But WTG being THE MOM!

Johnny Rotten said...

that's awesome. You should post pictures of the posters on this!! What you moms do for your kids.

Danila said...

I am so glad you have a blog!! yeah!!
What a great idea. I do the same thing I feel if I'm going to take the time do it then every detail needs to be done exactly so it doesn't look all janky. And I always seem to be putting it off until the last minute, which leads to late nights. I agree with you John you should definitely post a picture of them.

Graciesmom said...

What we do for our kids! I remember my mom staying up well past when we went to bed to do stuff like that.
I hope Riley wins the election :)