Wednesday, October 27, 2010

M&M's ruined Halloween

A couple of years ago my parents got me a clear candy dish on a pedestal. It looks really pretty when you fill it up.

So this year I went to the store in search of the usual Halloween fillers... Candy Corn, Candy Corn flavored Salt Water Taffy.. and the peice de resistance... Purple, Green, Orange & Black colored M&Ms.

And.... THEY DIDN'T HAVE THE M&Ms! For some crazy reason M&Ms made FALL colors! Orange and Browns... YUCK! Those colors are NOT as happy as the purple and green!

I'm going to sit here and pout with my ugly yellow, orange & brown candy dish.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Halloween again..

Well... it's that time again and I'm presented with yet another challenge by my creative daughter Riley.

She first wanted to be Alice from Alice In Wonderland, but when we got the costume it was evident that they made it with very weird proportions. The waist was TINY and everything else was HUGE.

So... she decided to have a different costume. She still wanted to be Alice... just not the same Alice. She wanted to be Alice the chick who kicks zombie butt in the Resident Evil movies. (She's seen the TBS edited versions.)

The costume shouldn't be too hard... I hope. Mainly it's black pants, black t-shirt, combat boots (which I have and she's borrowing.. yesssss), and a killer vest and holster get up. Oh yeah.. and ... 2 six shooters, 2 pistol grip sawed-off shotguns, and 1 ninja sword. Of course.

So, I will be working on the construction of said vest and holsters over the next few weeks, as well as trying to locate the appropriate weaponry. Can't hunt zombies without fire-power!

Olivia and Sammi are giving me an easy time. Sammi chose a girlie Mad Hatter costume, and Olivia is going to reprise the Lara Croft costume. Luckily Livie already has the hair!