Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Ahh... 4th grade...

Sammi is in the 4th grade, you know what that means... time for the unit on Utah Native Americans. She had to pick a type of Indian dwelling and make it. She picked an Earth House, which of course was one of the hardest ones to find pictures of on Google.

We helped her plan it out and gave her suggestions & instructions from time to time. We also cut the sticks for her and manned the hot glue gun for her, but other than that she did the whole thing herself. My favorite part is the little ladder. She glued it together and then tied grass around the joints.

She should get an A... as long as the teacher believes she did it herself. Kind of sad when you wonder if you should have to do something crappy looking just to make sure it looks "kid made". hehe.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Millions of peaches.. peaches for me...

Well I just finished bottling all my peaches today. I kind of spread it out over the last 4 days, which worked out pretty well for me. So now I've got 49 quarts of yummy peaches. They're so pretty I don't know if I'll let anyone eat them!

Thanks to Catherine who didn't get irritated (or at least didn't show it) when I called her for my yearly bottling questions. "ummm... I forgot how much sugar. And how many vitamin C was that again?" I actually did write all that stuff down last year... but let's just say my organizational skills need work since I couldn't figure out WHERE I'd written it down.

Ok, peaches down. Next up... Applesauce!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Last week we got to visit with my nephew, his wife and their cute little boy. The nephew has been in town on some sort of medical rotation at the hospital here and they came by a few times to use the computer. I had a good time chatting with them and the kids really loved cute little E, who by the way speaks Russian. Little smarty-pants. He kept saying something and I couldn't figure it out so I asked his dad, who replied, "Oh, that's Russian for *blah*". Sorry I couldn't actually remember the word. hehe.

Wow. My kid looks like a shrimp next to him. I know part of it is the fact that he's a little closer to the camera... but... these two are actually 2 years apart in age... and size-wise... I'm not seeing it in this picture. ha ha.

Speaking of my shrimpy family... I had to go to the Jr. High to talk to Riley's teacher today and I got there just as school was getting out. BIG MISTAKE! I was practically run over about 10 times and most of the 8th & 9th graders were TALLER than me! It felt like a huge surge of sweaty kids fighting to get out, and since I was coming in... too bad for me.