Monday, January 24, 2011

Crazy Hair Day!

Today was Crazy Hair Day at school and we had some good hair-dos planned. Sadly Livie got sick last night and couldn't go. She cried and cried this morning because she really wanted to go have crazy hair. But I promised her we could make her hair crazy on Friday, which is School Spirit Day.

So Sammi wanted a Mohawk or spikes. Thus we opted for the spiked Mohawk! I think I need more practice since some of the spikes fell. But all in all I was excited that half of them worked. Those were some pretty high spikes! She also got a kick out of trying to get in and out of the car with them. She couldn't really sit up at all, luckily the school is only a block away.

Then of course I had to mess with pre-sets a little and found a really cool one that makes it look more Punk.


Unknown said...

what product did you use to get them to stay up like that? Seriously, AMAZING!

Catherine said...

You know that's a fear of mine, right? That Elise will want to make that her default hairstyle....

Megan said...

i am truly impressed by you and your girls. crazy hair, halloween, etc. - i have seen some amazing skills on your part. i need to be more like you! thanks for the editing info. my email is too. hey, if you and matt need a get-away, you always will have a place to stay with us!