Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Bubble, Bubble....

Riley's 6th grade class is doing a redition of MacBeth. She got the part of one of the witches. She was a little bummed because she originally wanted to be King Duncan, but they gave that one to a boy. hehe. She was also asked to introduce the play at the beginning and then close the play.

She does a great job! I have to say it's nice to see the drama-queen in her paying off in a possitive way. Seriously though, she loves doing plays and really gets into it.

Here are some pictures:
Riley and her friends Tasha, Jessica & Wyatt(he's a cheerleader) Did you forget MacBeth had cheerleaders?


Anonymous said...

fun! The make-up is great!! Hollywood here she comes! Or maybe New York!

Danila said...

how awesome! Got to love those DRAMA Queens! I'm not sure where our girls get this from..hehe

Minnie said...

Yes, I was NEVER a drama queen!

Catherine said...

She comes by it naturally, I suppose (you forget, I knew you when...), but I'm going to need a notation about the cheerleaders. I can't seem to place them.... :)